Austin Show Wish List
** Please read and see if you can help **
Besides the usually list of items that compose a show, SRL is in need
to a few special pieces of electronic hardware. The hope is that via
the WWW some individual/company will allow us to borrow this equipment
for the show in Austin in March. SRL crew will be on site as early as
13 March and we would like to obtain as many of the items as possible
by then. We are more than happy to give credit where credit is due.
Rather than have yet another net-broadcast, SRL will be allowing for
the first time, remote users to control one or more small pieces of
SRL equipment. We will need alot of help to make this come together
as we will need the bandwidth to support this. We would like to have
some passive live feed as well (which will also serve as a fallback
position if problems occur with the machine control portion of the
system). Therefore, any help with configuring computers, routers,
etc. as well as the s/w to support this is needed. Most of this work
can be done over the phone before we arrive at Austin, insuring that
the network will be in place when we arrive. However, much work can
be done now and tested at the shop.
If you can help with any of the following send mail directly to:
Eric Paulos (
Items we need:
ISDN routing equipment (prefer Ascend Pipeline 50)
Any computers that we can use while in Austin especially ones
with video frame grabbers.
Any TV tuners we can use while in Austin (UHF/VHF)
Help we need:
Need help in arranging for ISDN line at Speedway location.
Need a dedicated ISP in the Austin area with (1) decent
connection to rest of internet, (2) ISDN support, (3) multicast
enabled, (4) a few people that can help us there to setup and test our
Plans are likely to include hardware for support of a high speed
wireless ethernet connection. To make this work we must have the
network connection to some loaction that it within 15 miles
direct line-of-sight from Longhorn Speedway. If you know of any ISP
that would be line of site to the speedway we can do this.
Use of machine and someone to setup and run a realaudio server