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6 flags over hell

Photo blog surrounding events leading to and just soon after Survival Research Lab's San Jose show August 11 2006. This is our largest, no-holds barred, permitted show in the Bay Area in about a decade. The show is unofficially known as 6 Flags Over Hell until Mark blesses it with the usual SRL long title for big shows. Dante's Inferno is the theme for the show

Monday, July 10, 2006

SRL Machine Bible: An Interesting Assortment of Wonderful and Unusual Machine Schematics

Yesterday, Karen started digitizing the famous SRL binders of schematics and electronics notes for all the machines, appropriately named in the style of the usual SRL show title:

Just in time too as some of the pages were on FAX paper and were starting to fade! These 2 binders are the *only* copies and the closest thing to machine designs at the shop, all machines are built organically from Mark's head and evolve over the years.
This is a portion of an ancient Running Machine schematic from 1990:

And an old igniter (really the V1) schematic complete with skull:

A Book for every machine. From the Book of Sparkshooter 1:6 - "Thou shalt not die from 20,000 volt electric shock if thou shalt not stick thy hand unto the unlabeled area of death."

More Crew Shots:

Kimric Smythe demonstrates the meaning of the word heliofranticulate which is the feeling you get when you are leaning back too far on your chair and it starts to fall backwards but you save yourself at the last minute by flailing wildly.

Kimric explains the meaning of the word heliomasophile which is someone that constantly gazes at their navel. We ask him to give us an example of usage in a sentence and he says, "Those f*&ng heliomasophiles, stinking up the yard with their patchouli again." Violet Blue defends the shop against the heliomasophiles

Babalou entices the crew to keep working with a pound plus of chocolate.

Michael Wehner feigns surprise at the absence of heliomasophiles at the shop.
Photos from Karen Marcelo


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