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6 flags over hell

Photo blog surrounding events leading to and just soon after Survival Research Lab's San Jose show August 11 2006. This is our largest, no-holds barred, permitted show in the Bay Area in about a decade. The show is unofficially known as 6 Flags Over Hell until Mark blesses it with the usual SRL long title for big shows. Dante's Inferno is the theme for the show

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Return of the Large Flame Blower and Mark's Other Art

Not many people know that Mark Pauline actually did this kind of art before inventing Large Scale Machine Performance. This if I remember correctly was his first or one of the first things he made!:

The Large Flameblower was dragged out finally after not being run since Austin in 1997! It got it's first test run tonight after 9 years of hibernation:

Kevin Binkert wafts lathe steam for some SRL aromatherapy.

Macki shows off some Batman inspired disaster art


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