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6 flags over hell

Photo blog surrounding events leading to and just soon after Survival Research Lab's San Jose show August 11 2006. This is our largest, no-holds barred, permitted show in the Bay Area in about a decade. The show is unofficially known as 6 Flags Over Hell until Mark blesses it with the usual SRL long title for big shows. Dante's Inferno is the theme for the show

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

New Lathe

Mark's new CNC Lathe arrived today!

Joanne Bloomfield has to deal with a giant tarp to cover it. She is amazingly good at taking giant tarps like this and folding them up into a tiny square. No wonder, she used to make elephant blankets!

New dad Eric Paulos makes a shop-comeback working on the Big Walker

Chris Bohren through a pipe

Wendy Flybutter

Morgan works on the Bombloader

Sandra Lee

Brian Normanly the wise one. Knows where everything is in the shop. Can drive forklifts with a large sketchy load at an angle and have nothing go wrong.

Karen interrupts the electrical meeting that Kent Cates, Babalou, Brian Normanly are trying to have


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