Being Human in a World of Robots
LACMA, Art + Technology Lab, Art of the Americas BuildingLos Angeles, CA
November 18, 2014 7pm

"I want to be a robot." -Andy Warhol
Can experiencing the world as a robot give us insight into human nature? Mark Pauline creates machine performances that vividly convey a dystopian vision of a culture on the verge of chaos. Ken Goldberg juxtaposes the natural and the artificial in installations involving plants, industrial robots, and machine learning algorithms. Join these San Francisco–based artists for a compelling visual presentation and in-depth discussion about our collective fear and fascination with the most human of our machines.
Mark Pauline is the founder and director of the large-scale machine performance art group Survival Research Laboratories. Ken Goldberg is an artist and professor of robotics at UC Berkeley, where he also directs a robotics research lab; he is also an advisor at LACMA's Art + Technology Lab.
LACMA, Art + Technology Lab, Art of the Americas Building
Free; reservations required
Note: This program was listed previously as "Robot as Symbolic Form."
STANDBY ONLY: Reservations for this event are no longer available in advance. A standby line will form at 6:30 pm outside of the Art + Technology Lab in the Director's Roundtable Garden, east of the Art of the Americas Building on the night of this event. Guests in the standby line will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis, though unfortunately there is no guarantee of space being made available to guests in this line.
If you have images, videos, etc. you would like us to link to and/or give us high-resolution copies for our archives, please contact Karen Marcelo at